Accessibility and translations

Letter formats

SCW CHIS has a critical role sending invitations and reminders for children in their area for immunisations and screening in line with immunisation and national health screening programmes.

CHIS can send vaccination invitations in accessible letter formats:

  • Easy Read
  • Large font size 16, 20, 24 and 28 
  • Yellow paper
  • Braille grade 1 
  • Braille grade 2 

Email SCW CHIS at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the letter type required to request an accessible letter. 

female healthcare professional smiling



The NHS is inviting your child for free vaccinations to help protect them from diseases. Please contact their GP Practice to book their vaccination appointment. For more translated information on vaccinations and diseases: 


NHS po e fton fëmijën tuaj për vaksinime falas për të ndihmuar në mbrojtjen e tij/saj nga sëmundjet. Ju lutemi kontaktoni klinikën e mjekut të tyre të përgjithshëm për të caktuar takimin e vaksinimit. Për më shumë informacione të përkthyera mbi vaksinat dhe sëmundjet:

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